Sunday, May 8, 2011

Restoration, not Religion

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.
Blaise Pascal

Does religion hold the answers to life's questions? Religion is a term that undoubtedly has different meanings for different people. While many would emphasize its strengths and others its weaknesses, few could argue that religion does not have some negative connotations associated with it. To many, religion is a list of things you should do (like attend church regularly) and shouldn't do (like cuss, drink, or smoke). To be accepted and respected within a religion it seems you must live under their laws, which can be oppressive. Wars are fought over and injustices committed in the name of religion. Perhaps its no wonder the institution of the university in America has gone secular and restricted the voice of religion on its campuses. But in doing so have they thrown the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak?

Speaking from a perspective of Christianity, some may be surprised that Jesus Christ's sharpest criticisms were towards the leaders of the religious establishment. He criticized them because they were smug, self righteous, and badly misrepresented God in the name of God. Consequently, the religious leaders hated Jesus! Interestingly, the people who were most attracted to Jesus were the "irreligious", who, yes, probably cussed, drank, etc. Why? What did they see in him? He didn't endorse but in fact, often challenged their lifestyles.

They loved Jesus because his words resonated with them. They could sense his message was truth, but he spoke with a grace and love that they had never heard from any other "religious teacher" (not that any other religious teachers would have been caught dead in the presence of such "sinners"). Jesus taught that he came to seek and to save that which was lost. And all of them, as with all of us, had lost something precious. Jesus' message was one of RESTORATION, and not more oppressive rules.  And he backed it up by restoring sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, mobility to the paralyzed, mental health to the mentally ill, and even raising people from the dead. His message was very personal to everyone he touched, and his message continues to be personal today to each person he touches.

Personally, I am interested in something life-giving rather than something that sucks life out of me. Is there something or someone that can take away the anguish of regret, guilt, shame, etc. and replace it with a genuine, deep down in our souls kind of hope, peace, and joy? This is a glimpse of the RESTORATION of life as it was meant to be. If your experience with or impression about the "religion" of Christianity has been negative, I challenge you not to cast your final judgement on Jesus until you take a little time to learn more about this amazing person (for example, by clicking on the links in this post). I think you will be not only pleasantly surprised, but may even find the revelation of the real Jesus to be life-changing. He has that effect on people,..yes, even those in the secular university!


  1. Just makes my heart happy to read this, and see where you are at. :)

  2. Thank you Ronda! Nice to hear from you!!
