Monday, June 27, 2011

God Romances You!

The other evening my wife Jannis and I were walking by a farm pond near our home and we heard the sounds of frogs (on the youtube video at left, or click: As I listened to the melodious harmony I remembered reading in a book entitled "The Sacred Romance", by John Eldredge and Brent Curtis, about how cool it is that God often uses nature to romance us. Isn't is a wonder that bird songs (and frog melodies) are not so loud that they hurt our ears, or so soft that we cannot hear them, or so nasty sounding that they repulse us or make us feel like someone is scratching their fingernails across a chalkboard. Have you noticed a beautiful sunset lately? Or perhaps a panoramic view of green trees and rolling meadows or prairie, towering mountains, rhythmic waves at the beach, the delicateness of a flower, or grace of an animal running free in the wild? Perhaps humor or affection from your pet!? Brilliant stars or a bright moon in the night sky? Has God spoken to you today? Perhaps he did and you missed it? I encourage you to watch and listen for him today. He specializes in romancing you, wooing you through his creation!

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