Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Iranian Christian Sentenced to Death for Apostasy

This Iranian, 32 year old Youcef Nadarkhani (left), has been sentenced to execution by hanging in Iran. His crime is apostasy, or converting from Islam to Christianity. He is also a Pastor and has been baptizing people into the Christian faith. (By the way, Christianity is exploding under the repressive Islamic regime in Iran). Youcef Nadarkhani has been given multiple opportunities by Iranian courts to recant his faith but he repeatedly refuses, even under the threat of death.

This begs the question as to why he won't recant his faith under such pressure (did I mention he has been in prison since 2009?). Youcef is not a terrorist, murderer, rapist, or serial killer. He is a husband and father (see photo below) and is also following Christ's command to make disciples of all nations (1). This man truly has conviction about his faith.

If you are a Christian, have you experienced enough in your faith to make you that resilient? I have to ask myself as a Christian, would I deny my faith under such duress? I hope not. This man Youcef truly understands the "cost" of following Christ (2) and may pay with his life, as have many others before him (including in Iran), for not denying his love for and devotion to Jesus.

If you are not a Christian, doesn't this make you wonder what it is about Christianity that someone would endure such prolonged suffering for their faith? It has to be more than the "going through the motions" Sunday church services that many of us have experienced. As a Christian, I can tell you why. Experiencing a connection with Jesus Christ is the most powerful experience I can describe. He is 100% good, His love is 100% pure, and when we accept him, his Spirit pours His life into ours and takes away the weight of our wrongdoings, our "sin", and clears our consciences. He sets us free and opens new doors for us to live our life in communion with him.
Youcef Nadarkhani with his family.

Sound farfetched? Maybe so. But Youcef Nadarkhani doesn't think so. He has experienced Christ's love and has never looked back. I have experienced that love too, and the deep healing and restoration that it brings. Whether you are a Christian who hasn't experienced this or are not a Christian, it truly is available to everyone. You only need to want it, seek it, and accept it.

Under international pressure, Iranian courts have delayed the sentence and referred his case to Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. So there is still hope that his life will be spared and that he will be released from prison. Either way, please say a prayer for Youcef Nadarkhani if you would. If you would like to do more, this website has information on how to get involved: http://aclj.org/iran/americans-support-pastor-youcef-overwhelming.

Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Hebrews 13:3.

(1) Matthew 28:18-20; (2) Matthew 16:24-26.