Sunday, April 19, 2015

Is There Any Evidence That God Exists?

"To the majority of those who have reflected deeply and written about the origin and nature of the universe, it has seemed that it points beyond itself to a source which is non-physical and of great intelligence and power. Almost all the great classical philosophers - certainly Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Leibniz, Spinoza, Kant, Hegel, Locke, Berkeley - saw the origin of the universe as lying in a transcendent reality. They had different specific ideas of this reality, and different ways of approaching it; but that the universe is not self-explanatory, and that it requires some explanation beyond itself, was something they accepted as fairly obvious."
                                                                    Keith Ward (1)

Dr. William Lane Craig (2) has developed an excellent 4-minute video that addresses the question of the existence of God through a combination of logic and scientific evidence ("The Cosmological Argument"). Cosmology, which is the science of the origin and development of the universe, has in recent years discovered compelling evidence that the universe is not here by accident (click YouTube video at left or on this link:

There is more evidence in cosmology that indicates the existence of God, but I will address that in another post!


(1) God, Chance and Necessity, Oxford, One World Publication, 1996 p.1.

(2) Reasonable Faith with Dr. William Lane Craig (


  1. Cool. That video is really well done -- understandable. Also enjoy the ontological argument (see Alvin Plantinga). Love stretching my mind with these kind of things, and also trying to counter them.

    1. Thanks Dave! I haven't studied the ontological argument too much yet but I agree it stretches one's mind. It is important to think about these arguments because their implications are significant.
